


I was from a small town in western Pennsylvania and wanted to be close enough to go home, but far away enough to "grow up" away from my parents. I looked at many small, private colleges and universities, but Mount Union fit me perfectly.


B.S. 社会学



After 26 years working in agencies all over the country, I was offered an opportunity to run the largest trade association representing 80% of all advertising agencies in the United States. 我们提供领导, guidance and advocacy to the advertising agency community to help them build their business.


I was from a small town in western Pennsylvania and wanted to be close enough to go home, but far away enough to “grow up” away from my parents. I looked at many small, private colleges and universities, but Mount Union fit me perfectly.


Dr. Steve Kramer, faculty emeritus of psychology. 当时, 他是最年轻的教授之一, so I think there was a better understanding of how to motivate students—especially during the “directionless” 70s. He also started the Wilderness Experience in which I participated my junior year. It changed me forever; it taught me how to find strength I didn’t know I had and to truly understand how group dynamics work. This has helped me tremendously in my growth as a leader throughout my career.


我是罗兰的市场协调员, 一家小的空白磁带公司, 当时, was trying to compete with TDK and Maxell. When Lorain was hiring, the only requirement was a liberal arts education. When the product ultimately failed in the marketplace, my boss suggested looking at advertising agencies for my next position. I did and have enjoyed this career for more than 30 years.


我在联合山的时候, I interned with the Ohio Youth Commission as a halfway house for “incorrigible” young girls. These young girls had either run away from home, had drug problems or were otherwise deemed “at risk.“至少可以说,这让我大开眼界.


我四年都在游泳队. 很多人不知道这一点, but Larry Kehres was the men’s swimming coach when there wasn’t a coach in the 70s. Since the men’s and women’s seasons were different, he hired a member of the women’s team as assistant coach to help him. My senior year, I was his assistant coach. I was also in the sorority Alpha Chi Omega and served on the Judicial Board.


A Mount Union education forces you to learn to feed your curiosity. Curiosity and a hunger for learning have kept me on the cutting edge of technology, 传媒及娱乐. 在广告行业, this knowledge is essential in helping businesses solve their communication needs through creative messages and understanding the channels that will be most successful in delivering those messages.


我大一的时候住在凯彻姆, McMaster my sophomore year and Elliot my junior and senior years. Elliot had not been remodeled yet and my roommate and I enjoyed what was known as the “triple” room. One very strong memory is the day I came back to the room to find my roommate holding a vigil for the band Lynyrd Skynyrd as they had just been killed in a plane crash.


Thanks to Facebook and other social media channels, I have recently reconnected with many of my friends from Mount Union. Last summer I married Mark Schaefer, who graduated with me from Mount Union. We reconnected five years ago, struck up a friendship and now we live together in New York City.


I volunteer with an organization called People Helping People that is focused on providing education to the residents of Andean villages in northern Ecuador. 10年后, we have built six schools and provided 奖学金 for more than 800 high school and university students. 我希望看到这个数字翻倍.

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